SPAG Autumn 2024 Newsletter

We’re back – we didn’t meet in August and have just had our September meeting, with Cllr. Evelyn Akoto. We discussed Southwark’s work (with us and others) to become and Age Friendly borough and also recent developments on home and residential care. We agreed that the details of these areas involve enormous challenges and we have a long way to go to get to where we want to be.

Evelyn also stayed for the whole meeting and listened to the many issues we continue to campaign on.

Although we didn’t meet in August SPAG people have been working tirelessly, attending various consultation meetings and discussions.

Although we often feel we are repeating our demands, we firmly believe that we must continue learning and campaigning for the needs of older people.

Our numbers attending meeting and on our mailing list are steadily growing. Although that makes things a little cramped in the Pensioners’ Centre meeting room and there are sometimes technical issues for those who join on line we will continue to hold these meetings.

We are delighted to welcome new people and are greedy for more because we believe that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER AND CAN HAVE A GREATER VOICE WITH THE COUNCIL AND OTHER PUBLIC SERVICES, challenging and working with them to make life better for
older people in Southwark a reality.

SO GET IN TOUCH AND JOIN US!!! There are loads of meetings we attend and we can spread the load as more people join us. SPAG people attend meetings on home, social and nursing care, transport, mental and physical health, housing, access and digital inclusion, outdoor spaces, age friendly work. We are clear that many things we campaign on will improve things for residents of all ages in Southwark.

New Pensioners Centre

We were delighted to hear the Planning Application for the Centre has been formally registered and the Council will invite people (THAT MEANS YOU) to comment before it goes to Committee. Details of how to do that appear elsewhere in this Newsletter so please take the trouble to tell the Council what you think. We at SPAG feel that new premises will give a great lift to our campaigning work and the Centre’s work and benefit older people in Southwark.

We meet on the morning (10.15am for 10.30am) on the first Friday of every month in the Pensioners’ Centre. So our next meeting is 1st November – we hope to see you there.

TOGETHER, WE (INCLUDING YOU) CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. SO JOIN US TO MAKE SOUTHWARK A BETTER PLACE FOR OLDER PEOPLE AND OTHERS. Many of the things we are fighting for will improve the lives of people of all ages.


We meet on the first Friday of every month in Southwark Pensioners’ Centre